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Best Child Friendly Project

This award will recognise an individual or group doing outstanding work to make Salford a more child friendly city.

Our Judges have shortlisted the following finalists for 2025. The winner of this award will be announced at the awards ceremony on 3 April 2025.

Powerhouse Perfection

Powerhouse Perfection cheerleaders

Powerhouse Perfection are a pioneering team of Salford cheerleaders, for athletes with special educational needs and disabilities. The team has been established for 5 years, competes across the UK, and recently travelled to the World Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, Florida and won the gold medal. The team are highly inclusive and provide a wonderful opportunity for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to get involved with a fast-growing international sport.

A Little Extra

A Little Extra community group

A Little Extra is a local community group set up to provide support in Salford for children with Down syndrome and their families. The inclusive and friendly group runs every week and provides a great opportunity for families and children to get to know each other and share advice and experiences. A Little Extra has held two fund raisers and raised over £1500 to ensure the children have activities each week. The group offers trips out for families and has even organised a group caravan holiday. They have been described as a safe space for the children and families that attend each week.

Salford Youth Zone Young Person Development Group

SYZ Young Person Development Group

The Young Person Development Group has played an invaluable role in the development of the new Salford Youth Zone, which is set to open in Pendleton in Summer 2025, and will offer up to 20 activities per night for young people. The development group, comprising young people from Swinton, Pendleton, and Broughton, has made key decisions on the Youth Zone’s design, branding, and activities, ensuring it reflects the community's needs. Their efforts have secured long-term funding and increased community engagement, including promoting the Youth Zone at various events.

Quick Brick

Quick Brick

Quick Brick is a Salford-based training academy that specialises in teaching trade skills like bricklaying and plastering. They specialise in working with disadvantaged young people and students who have struggled with mainstream school. They have been selected as a finalist having been nominated by a local family for making a huge difference to their son. The team at Quick Brick have been praised by the family for helping their son to re-engage with learning, become passionate about learning construction skills, and regain his confidence and motivation.

Salford Parent Carer Forum

Salford Parent Carer Forum group

Salford Parent Carer Forum provides invaluable support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The forum brings parents and carers together as a community, and offers drop in sessions, online advice / meetings, signposting to relevant services and support, and a range of well-being sessions and events. The forum has been described by parents as an amazing source of community support.

Spirit of Salford Community Awards 2025

To find out more about the awards or to get involved in any way please get in touch with us.

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